
4 quick instant messaging tips for busy team leaders to get their message across

Team leaders and managers must communicate with their teams clearly and efficiently for their message to stick. Here's how instant messaging can help.

Leadership is all about communicating effectively. And yet, 69 percent of managers said they are uncomfortable communicating in general. To make sure your team is well informed, you need to use your communication tools to their full potential.

Here are four instant messaging tips to help make sure your message gets heard.

1. Create dedicated group chats

When there’s a specific topic your message relates to, creating a designated group chat is a great idea. It’s helpful because things become more organized and you have a set space to share relevant and useful information. You’re also able to search and find things quicker and keep track of all the important communications surrounding that area of expertise.

2. Mark messages as urgent or important

If you’ve got something that needs a response immediately, mark it as urgent. This will break through muted windows and do not disturb mode. Use urgent messages when you really need an individual or group's attention. We’ve written a quick primer on how to determine if your messages are urgent that you may also find useful.

3. Be clear and direct

There’s no need to go into every last detail in your instant messages. To save time, be direct and get your most important points across. If your team is busy, communicate through IM on a ‘need to know’ basis, too. This means you don’t distract team members with unnecessary information. Later, you can link out to more information if people have questions or need more of an elaboration.

4. Say it again

Repeating information might feel like you’re a nagging team leader. However, it’s proven that employees need to hear your message at least twice to be able retain important information and get things done.

Send an agenda ahead of the Monday morning meeting. This way people know what’s on and can prepare in advance. Was someone in a different meeting or off sick? Send another message to your team group chat afterwards with a breakdown of what you covered.

Be where your people are

According to salesforce research, businesses who communicate effectively have 50 percent lower employee turnover rates. If your team ask questions, interact with one another and respond thoroughly in your instant messaging app – that’s where you’ll grab their attention the fastest.

As a team leader, you inspire others through your words and actions. Before you speak, listen and observe; knowing your audience is as important as the message you're trying to convey. These instant messaging for business tips will not only save you time, but will also allow you to inform, persuade and guide your team towards success.

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